Xavi Romero is a transmedia artist and researcher, based in Barcelona. His proposals fuse technology and philosophy through art. His interest lies in proposing a techno-social awareness about new technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence; he explores the human experience in the connected society, investigates the social, political and personal implications of the use of new technologies and questions our relationship with and through them. Through his artistic practice he invites a critical reflection about new technologies through interactive installations, photography, audiovisual media, soundscapes and video games.

His work has been exhibited at La Capella (2024); the Can Framis Museum (2023), having been selected by the Vila Casas Foundation to be part of the PATRIM’22 UB Fine Arts Collection; Sense Títol (2022), an exhibition organised by the University of Barcelona itself in which they present a selection of the best production and research works; the University of Barcelona (2021) or La Nau Bostik (2019).

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✳︎ CV

b. 1998 Barcelona.

2023 – 2024 -> Master’s degree in Production and Artistic Research (UB).

2018 – 2022 -> Bachelor’s degree of Fine Arts, Visual Arts and Design (UB).


2024. Group Exhibition -> Y SI… Centro de Arte La Capella, Barcelona.

2023. Group Exhibition -> Territorios de cambio. Fundación Barceló, Palma de Mallorca.

2023. Group Exhibition -> PATRIM’22: Futurs Incerts. Museu Can Framis, Barcelona.

2022. Group Exhibition -> SENSE TÍTOL ’22. Sala d’Exposicions, Facultat de Belles Arts UB, Barcelona.

2021. Solo Exhibition -> VEURE’T MARXAR. Laboratori de Fotografía, Facultat de Belles Arts UB, Barcelona.

2021. Screening -> TELE/VISIONS. The Square Room, Barcelona.

2020. Group Exhibition -> El Temps. Centre Cultural La Poetika, Online Exhibition.

2020. Screening -> In A Dream. Secret Location, hosted by Límit Barcelona Collective, Barcelona.

2019. Group Exhibition -> El Delito del Cuerpo. Colectivo Sally Frank. El Cuerpo, La Nau Bostik, Barcelona.


2024. Publication -> Parques y parques. Malas Impresiones. Barcelona.

2024. Self-publication -> Failed ChatGPT ASCII. Barcelona.

2024. Self-publication -> MUTE Catalog. wavistudio. Barcelona.

2020. Self-publication -> Encuentros/retornos (I). Barcelona.


2023. Selection -> Luz Blanca. _Ex Aterriza, proyecto reserva. Aterriza Residencias Creativas, Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras. Alicante,

2021. Selection -> TELE/VISIONS. Official Selection, Dark Story Festival, Bilbao.

2021. Selection -> TELE/VISIONS. Honorable Mention, Monza Film Fest, Monza.