Memoria sin futuro
An installation that explores the possibilities of AI’s future prediction, examining large language model (LLM) biases and the concept of computer-generated imagination. The installation takes the form of a ‘diary of the future,’ crafted by using two different AI systems: one generates text entries, while the other transforms those words into visual representations.
Using four months of my personal diary as a prompt I asked GPT-3 to write a continuation of it, writing the future days which I have yet to live. Each new entry of the dairy of the future was then used to generate images of the corresponding day with VQGAN+CLIP. The diary of the future starts the 11th of May of 2022 and expands to 2024, two years into the future (now the past).
✳︎ Exhibitions
Installed at PATRIM’22: Futurs incerts, at Museu Can Framis, Barcelona, 2023
Installed at Territorios de cambio, at Fundació Barceló, Palma de Mallorca, 2023
Installed at SENSE TÍTOL ’22, at Facultat de Belles Arts UB, Barcelona, 2022
Excerpt of the human diary used as the prompt.
Excerpt of the text generated by GPT-3 for the diary of the future.