Autor: x4virom
Luz Blanca
✳︎ A series of three animated clips created for the “Luz Blanca” mix by ambient music artist Mark Allen Soul. In collaboration with Mar Sánchez. ✳︎ Listen / Watch↗︎ Mark Allen Soul –↗︎ Side A –↗︎ Side B –↗︎ Bonus Track –
veure el sol dins d’un calaix
Una video instalación que explora el paso del tiempo, el olvido y la transformación latente de los recuerdos que yacen encerrados en un cajón cualquiera. Atrapar el sol para meterlo dentro de un cajón; imbuir un recuerdo en un objeto del pasado. Reencontrarse con aquellas cosas que algún día nos hicieron felices es como mirar…
✳︎ Interactive, Web, Video A video game where the player interacts and controls a character on the other side of the screen. The game features a Choose Your Own Adventure-style narrative, allowing the player to explore 24 different endings and determine the protagonist’s fate based on their decisions.
veure’t marxar
✳︎ ( ) Photography The flash light reveals traces of a farewell among the trees and bushes on a dark night. A daydream during a nighttime walk, a time when people disappear and only traces remain.6 Photos 11×14 cm / Ilford MGFB 1K Glossy / Black & white ✳︎ ExhibitionsInstalled at the Photography Lab, Facultat…
✳︎ Direction, Art Direction A lonely man is drawn into a spiraling descent of paranoia and dark visions, triggered by the hypnotic white noise of his television. This experimental short film delves into a haunting, dark and surreal atmosphere through creative editing, distinctive camera angles, frame-by-frame animation, and optical effects evoking a dreamlike experience. Filmed…
The Girl Chewing Gum *all at once*
✳︎ Animation, 2 min 30 s Este cortometraje animado propone una reiteración del cortometraje The Girl Chewing Gum All (1976) de John Smith; socavar el ilusionismo del cine. La voz de John Smith dirige, en este caso, figuras rotoscopiadas frame a frame a partir de fragmentos editados de la filmación original, todas superpuestas al ritmo…